Saturday, October 31, 2009

WEEK 1 at Wipro Technologies, Bangalore

The first week passed rather eventfully. DAY 1 had some g8t speakers coming up on stage especially the mallu Major Rakesh Pillai. Goodness gracious, he was awesome. His mastery over Hindi, choice of words, frequent banter, it was a laugh riot. 3 cheers for him. Day 2 was more of school days coaching manual. We were taught how handle fire, use fire-extinguisher, first-aid etc etc. The venue for the 1st days remained the same, the sprawling Wipro Campus at Electronic City. My My , the cafeteria out there is huge, extremely huge. The rest 3 days, our induction was to be held at PESS College, EC. It reminded us of our college days big time. Nice campus, the small canteen, guyz-gals bunking classes, it was a short trip back 2 old memory lanes. Our trainer was a surprise package. He happens to Rahul Dravid’s old buddy. Mr. Sujith Somamsundar, ex-Karnataka and Team India player was disappointing. I knew this man since his name frequently appeared on newspapers bcos of exploits on the cricket field. But he lacked the spirit to invigorate freshness amongst which eventually lead to dull boring classes. Back to my peers. Dude they are awesome. Strong representations from Bengal, UP, Tamil Nadu, AP, Orrisa. My fellows Bengalis r really peculiar chaps. Some how they r overshowering praises on me just bcos I know n speak 5 languages. Strange adulations. The best of the lot , Rahul Matoo from Jammu. He absolutely extravagant. He brings smiles to our faces by literally every word coming from his mouth. Also my fellows Northies r very friendly batch. Its nice to mingle n roam around speaking Hindi at will even in a corporate field. Also have to mention some Tamilians n AP guys. Alas no mallus to b found around. Just hoping the 2nd week which starts off the formal training will be good.


  1. Awesome, good to read what those first days are like. keep writing, i would be very interested to hear more about you experiences in Wipro..

  2. God bless you dude.. Have a blast at Wipro :)

    And please, ab to ek naya pose maar mere bhai, this looks so bland these days...
